Just before Labor Day weekend, we were reminded by our awesome friends who live in North Dakota just how awesome they are by them sending us this amazing blanket for Indy!
This is Indy's 'Back away from my blanket and no one gets hurt' face |
It's Beatles themed and glows in the dark! I'd steal it for myself but they, wisely, labeled it as Indy's and he LOVES it! I put it up next to his bed so he could see it but not smother himself in it but he just pulls it down to snuggle with it every night anyway.
We'd been wanting to hang out with our awesome friends, The Lowes. However, they live about 13 hours away and it would be over 17 if we wanted to hit Mt. Rushmore along the way. So we decided that Labor Day weekend would be a great time to meet up at the crazily huge
Mall of America!
Mall of America is the biggest Mall in America and has an amusement park with full size roller coasters in the middle of it. So we spent most of our time there, which is kinda ironic considering none of us are mall people and we went into very few of the stores. We did however, go to the aquarium and the boys went on a ropes course.
Vanessa and I thought about going on a few of the rides but they were like $6 a ride. I am way too much of a cheapskate for that!
Our main pursuit while in the mall was chatting and finding every single game store, which suited all of us just fine. At one of the game stores, we found a great new expansion for
Arkham Horror, called
The Lurker at the Threshold.
Excited to try the new expansion out, we spent our Sunday afternoon walled up in our awesome hotel room. (It actually was pretty cool. We got a two room suite so that we could hang out together all the time. The main room, which Steven and Vanessa were kind enough to take, had a pull out couch, some comfy chairs and a desk. Lewis and I took the bedroom so that we could put Indy down for naps. It worked great for us! I don't know if the same could be said for them...) We got way too much chinese food and stuffed our faces as we horribly lost the game and everyone died. It was really so pathetic. I've never seen Lewis take it so hard.
Now this whole weekend we had put together an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) for the Lowes. The premise for this game was that on our way to meet up with them, we had died in a car crash and in order for them to win, they had to come up with this realization. We were supposed to drop hints until they got it. For instance, one morning we woke up early and played a loud screeching tire and collision noise, the next morning we put a picture of a horribly smashed car that looked like ours with our license plate photoshopped in on the bathroom mirror with blood all over it, and every time they said certain key words (dead/die, accident, drive, emergency, and car) we would pretend to be thrown out of this world by mouthing words to each other like we were communicating on another plane where they couldn't hear us.
However, all of this went horribly awry. The "loud" noise wasn't loud enough for them to wake up. The awesome picture we put on the mirror fell down and what we used for blood dried into a pretty light pink. And we forgot all of our key words. Even during the Arkham game, which was the perfect time for it since we kept saying "We're gonna die!", we didn't remember. We didn't succeeded in being creepy we just succeeded in acting a bit odd. It's a miracle that Steven got it on the last day. And even that didn't go according to plan. He asked "Are you guys dead?" and instead of falling down dead and then jumping up and congratulating on winning, we just started clapping and then looked at each other and then said "oh!" and fell down dead. Which made us look even stupider than the plan would have. Good thing it was for a good cause. (My thrilling tale of our latest ARG has, no doubt, left you yearning to join our ARG group. You can find us on facebook
But even with all the mishaps we had a fantastic time because we were with some of the funnest people we know. We could have fun with the Lowes doing just about anything, even walking around an overcrowded mall.