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February Goals

Now that it's already the middle of February, let me tell you about my goals:

February Specific Goals:
  • Catch up in Indy's baby book
  • Write Wills

Continuing Goals:
  •  Go to the temple 12 times
  • Write at least 20 blog posts
  • Hold at least 45 Family Home Evenings
  • Have at least 1 out of the house activity per month
  • Go to 3 museums
  • Host at least 12 game nights

Since the month is already half gone, I'm glad to report that I've actually been pretty productive. (Obviously not in the blogging department though...) 

I've already written our Wills. I used a sight called Law Depot which offered a TurboTax-like experience, where they ask you simple questions and then fill in all the legal mumbo jumbo for you. They offer a 7 day free trial in which you can use their service to complete as many legal forms as you want. I did a Last Will and Testament each for Lewis and I and a Living Will for Lewis. I have yet to cancel the subscription since my mom wants to use it to do her Will too. I'll let you know if they give me alot of grief to cancel or if it is as easy as it sounds. Now I just have to con two unsuspecting people into witnessing it. ("You know the rule. Never witness nothing. You live longer." - Name that incredibly awesome movie!)

I haven't been very artistically motivated to work on Indy's baby book or finish our family journal which I didn't get done last month, which is kinda weird considering how much I've enjoyed making handmade Valentine's for my mom, my husband, and my friend in our awesome Valentine exchange. But I've been pretty busy being sick, and helping make a spy game for my friend, Rena's Valentine's Day party. So now that things are quieting down a bit, I'll hopefully feel inspired to work on the books as well as all my other goals. I already have plans for a Chinese New Year party/game night, and an out of the house FHE activity which will be 2 birds with one stone. So things are looking good that I'll at least meet most of my goals if not all. Wish me luck!

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Steven said...

oscar... add i've just added it to my queue. What's my prize?

Anonymous said...

But I also have to say that I would recommend that you either just make a holographic will: a simple handwritten expression of your desires for what will be done with your property after your death, sign it and put it in an envelope, or talk to a real lawyer.

Lewis R Strasburg said...

Steven reward for being the first to answer really should be an Academy Award. Do we have one of those yet? Also, did Law Depot have a holographic option, because that would be pretty sweet.

Karen M. Peterson said...

Good job getting the wills done! That's all grown up and stuff!

Ann said...

Steven - I don't have any academy awards to give you but I can give you two big thumbs up!

Gospel - I probably would have asked the lawyer in our family for help but he was super busy studying for the Bar Exam and I definitely didn't want to distract him from that!

Update on Law Depot - It was super easy to cancel and I had no issues.

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