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Everyone around here is adjusting to the new baby and the heat. She turned 2 months on the 26th and I have finally gone back to mostly normal (not counting those extra 15lbs... Hey! I'm sure 10 of those pounds are milk!)

We've been doing lots of projects on the house. Lewis put in new shelves in the book case in the living room and in the hall closet. My mom and I have redecorated the living room and entry way. We arranged everything so that the whole back of the house will have new windows and siding the beginning of August. 
My computer has been having lots of issues so it's taken me awhile to give you my June update but here it finally is:

  • Have at least 1 out of the house activity per month We had quite a few activities this month. We went to Lewis' niece's wedding, Lewis' cousin's house warming party, a game night at our friend's house, a couple birthday parties, a water park, and most fun of all, Father's Day activities. We decided to celebrate on Saturday with my dad and Sunday with Lewis' dad. So on Saturday, we picked up my dad and went for a hike up Rock Canyon. It was so hot and much harder than I expected. Man, I'm out of shape! We went up to the canyon until I was utterly exhausted (which was only as far up as the water was still running) and then stopped for a long while. Indy had a blast throwing rocks in the river and threw the HUGEST fit when we tried to make him leave. But the hike was fun anyway. We spent most of the way up talking about old cars, which is one of my dad's and my favorite subjects. Then we went out to dinner at our favorite Italian place in Provo called La Dolce Vita. I just adore their spinach raviolis! The next day, we had Lewis' family over. We had his mom, dad, and sister's family to celebrate with us. We had a great big dinner of pork roast, country potatoes, and shrimp. I'd never cooked shrimp before but that's what his dad requested and it turned out really good. It was simple and tasty. We had a great day full of eating and visiting.
 Right on Target:
  • Hold at least 45 Family Home Evenings (21/45) We finally did it! Every single week this whole month AND it was on Monday each time unless otherwise scheduled! I have to give myself a huge pat on the back for that one. I have been trying so hard and it finally worked! ... now I just need to duplicate the results... :S
  • Write at least 20 blog posts (10/20)
  • Host at least 12 game nights (7/12) I'm actually ahead now since we hosted 2 game nights this month
  Needs Improvement: 
  • Go to the temple 12 times (3/12)
  •  Create savings account for Ireland trip
  • Catch up in family journal I wrote one sentence all month. One sentence! Ugh!

July Goals:
I once again have not given myself any specific goals for this month because I was unsure how I would be doing with the new baby. I don't even remember anything from when Indy was this age because I was so sleep deprived. But Evelyn once again, proves to be vastly different from her brother. She is now sleeping through the night on a regular basis! And Indy is such an independent guy that I am having much more time on my hands than I expected. So this month, I've decided to add a few goals as well as carry one over.
  • Learn to play "I Love to See the Temple" on the piano My mom bought a piano and we are all excited to have a piano in the house again. Now I can finally have my mom teach me how to play like she's been wanting to do for the past 20 years!
  • Catch up 2 yrs in family journal Obviously, I'm having a hard time with this goal so I'm breaking it down into chunks. Maybe then I'll feel like it's not an insurmountable task. 
  • Take 4 family hikes We all need to take advantage of the warm weather and get in better shape

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Karen Peterson said...

I'm so glad you're adjusting to having two little ones and that things aren't terribly crazy.

Those are good goals for July and you've done awesome so far this year!

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