At the tail end of the summer we took the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. The whole family hiked up to Scout Falls with some friends from Lewis' work. It was fun to take the two kids into the wild for a while, not the most comfortable spot to nurse though... The hike was just the right length for carrying the baby and carrying Indy about 35% of the time. We were all exhausted by the time we got back but, thankfully not hurting days later. I'd recommend it.
Lewis also took two overnight hikes with my brothers. It's so nice to be back in the great west where there are awesome hikes that are not only beautiful but actual hikes, not flat nature walks!
Goals for this month went alright...
- Have at least 1 out of the house activity per month The funnest family activity we did this month was our neighborhood's annual block party. Great BBQ potluck with dunk tank, bouncy house, cotton candy machine, and all our great neighbors. Indy wished he could live there forever.
We went to the County Fair with my brother's family. I loved seeing all the different art projects. I especially liked the beautiful costumes, some fun kid art (some of which was contributed by my lovely nieces) and the sculptures. My least favorite part was seeing all the delicious looking food and not getting to taste any! Indy loved the Lego exhibit, making his own seahorse art and, of course, the alligator!
- Learn to play the full top hand of "I Love to See the Temple" on the piano I can't play it up to speed yet but I can hit all the notes. :)
Right on Target:
- Host at least 12 game nights (10/12)
- Write at least 20 blog posts (12/20)
Needs Improvement:
- Go to the temple 12 times (4/12) Once again, I didn't make it this month.
- Hold at least 45 Family Home Evenings (27/45) I counted one that didn't have a gospel message because it was put on by our Stake and they called it a family night. So I figure it counted. But I'm consistently behind on this one. I guess that's why it's a goal, right?
- Repack our 72 hr kits
- Make window seat for hope chest (Completed in April)
- Learn to play the bottom hand of "I Love to See the Temple" on the piano
We've been doing a ton of work on the house this summer and have several more projects planned before winter hits. So I've decided to focus on those for the next few months. I look forward to showing off all the before and after pics when I get it all done!
It's so nice to review the stuff we've done.
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