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Project 22: Year in Review

This year has been pretty great! (You can read all about it in my Newsletter 2015) It was not busy when I expected to be and then way more busy when I didn't expect it. My goals got a little mixed up because of it but goals are made to be ambitious and I really shouldn't expect to meet them all.

So here's how it went:

Throughout the year
  •  Go to the temple 12 times: 5/12 Ouch! That's not even half! I knew this goal was too ambitious with a nursing baby but I had no idea I'd do that bad.
  • Write at least 20 blog posts: 14/20 I had planned on not writing much after I had Evelyn but that was when she actually slept and didn't chew on electrical cords... So when I went to do it when she was older, it just didn't happen. But I think 20 is still an attainable number.
  • Keep a personal scripture reading chart: This went terrible. We threw away both charts half way through the year because they were just embarrassing. Even when we did read, we'd forget to mark the chart about 80% of the time. The chart worked in previous years but definitely not this year. Anyone have any other ideas on how to get us motivated? 
  • Keep a family scripture reading chart
  • Hold at least 45 Family Home Evenings: 39/45 I actually thought we were doing alot worse than this. I guess we picked up our game in the last couple months. This is actually a little more than 3 times a month, which really isn't bad at all. 
  • Have at least 1 out of the house activity per month We totally smoked this one! We usually had 2-5 activities per month. 
  • Go to 3 museums We got this one done super early because it was really fun. I would like to continue this goal for next year. Maybe make it 6 museum visits. 
  • Host at least 12 game nights 14/12 with 3 ARGs (We did Team Bad Guy for Rena's family for Valentine's Day. We did a Back to the Future one on the day Marty arrived in the future and then we did a Polar Express one for Lewis' birthday. )
  • Start a good things jar Just because I started it doesn't mean I ever put anything in it... Well, I did put a few things in it but only for a few months.
  • Catch up in family journal NEVER HAPPENED! Probably the worst failure on here.
  • Catch up in Indy's baby book DONE
  • Write Wills! DONE
  • Finish Strasburg Final Report DONE
  • Make sure Indy is up to date on vaccinations DONE
  •  Find and start baby book for Baby Girl DONE
  •  Not have my uterus explode DONE!
  •  Name the baby DONE
  • Create savings account for Ireland trip (Decided to pay down school debt instead)
  •  Refinish hardwood floors (We decided that this isn't the right time of year for it and we're not sure exactly what we want to do so this will have to wait for next year.)
  •  Make window seat for hope chest DONE
  •  Finish repainting foyer, living room, and hallway DONE
  •  Have working prototype of our board game We're really close on this one. I'm sure we'll have it done in the next couple months.
Added Goals
  • Repack our 72 hr kits DONE
  • Learn to play "I Love to See the Temple" on the piano I learned the top hand but our piano needed repairing before I could learn the bottom hand effectively and it only got fixed a week before Christmas so I'm still working on learning the rest. 
  • Take 4 family hikes DONE
The final tally for this year.... *Drum roll*

Completed: 15
Valiant Effort: 5
Cancelled: 2
Failed: 3

I'd have to say that was pretty good. Next week you can look forward to hearing about all of my goals for 2016!

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Newsletter 2015

This has been a wonderful year! We've been living with my mom and helping her fix up the house. It's been very rewarding seeing the place looking nicer and nicer one part at a time. So far we've fixed the roof, replaced all the windows with energy efficient ones, re-sided the back of the house, turned the carport into a garage and repainted nearly the entire house. It is now a calm home with lots of fun and laughter. I've been enjoying spending lots of time with my mom. It really is so much better as an adult!

We had a wonderful new addition to our family this year. Evelyn Prudence Strasburg was born on April 26th weighing 7lbs 3oz. The pregnancy and delivery went wonderfully and Evelyn is a happy, healthy, beautiful baby. She is now 8 months old and hasn't quite mastered crawling but she is already trying to stand up and walk! Maybe she'll beat her brother's record and walk at 9 months...

Indy is now 3 years old. Just before his birthday this year, we all went to Disneyland! It was so great to see all the good things we loved about Southern California like Disneyland, the asian markets, and seeing Lewis' brother, Clark. It was such a nice trip that even the things that I used to hate weren't so bad. The sunny weather was kind of nice and we had the best beach day I've ever had. Even the traffic didn't bother me as much as usual! 

One of the things that made this year so nice happened less than 24 hours after I gave birth to Evelyn. Lewis took a job with DealerSocket! It pays good wages and the people are nice. It's been great to have a steady income so that we can pay off school debt, take awesome trips to So Cal, and have peace of mind. Lewis likes the work but might be looking to move into their programming department next year. 
We hope you've had a great year too, although we doubt it was as awesome as ours... :P 

A big wish of health and happiness from our family to yours!

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