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Newsletter 2015

This has been a wonderful year! We've been living with my mom and helping her fix up the house. It's been very rewarding seeing the place looking nicer and nicer one part at a time. So far we've fixed the roof, replaced all the windows with energy efficient ones, re-sided the back of the house, turned the carport into a garage and repainted nearly the entire house. It is now a calm home with lots of fun and laughter. I've been enjoying spending lots of time with my mom. It really is so much better as an adult!

We had a wonderful new addition to our family this year. Evelyn Prudence Strasburg was born on April 26th weighing 7lbs 3oz. The pregnancy and delivery went wonderfully and Evelyn is a happy, healthy, beautiful baby. She is now 8 months old and hasn't quite mastered crawling but she is already trying to stand up and walk! Maybe she'll beat her brother's record and walk at 9 months...

Indy is now 3 years old. Just before his birthday this year, we all went to Disneyland! It was so great to see all the good things we loved about Southern California like Disneyland, the asian markets, and seeing Lewis' brother, Clark. It was such a nice trip that even the things that I used to hate weren't so bad. The sunny weather was kind of nice and we had the best beach day I've ever had. Even the traffic didn't bother me as much as usual! 

One of the things that made this year so nice happened less than 24 hours after I gave birth to Evelyn. Lewis took a job with DealerSocket! It pays good wages and the people are nice. It's been great to have a steady income so that we can pay off school debt, take awesome trips to So Cal, and have peace of mind. Lewis likes the work but might be looking to move into their programming department next year. 
We hope you've had a great year too, although we doubt it was as awesome as ours... :P 

A big wish of health and happiness from our family to yours!

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