February was busy and stressful. It started off with Mom, Windy, and I flying back from our girls weekend in the Bay Area. It was so much fun and I mean to blog about it at some point but obviously, today is not the day. Then we spent the next two weeks helping Rena plan a very complicated but super fun spy game themed Valentine's Day dinner. It was SO much work! But it turned out great! Everyone died when they put in the wrong password to disarm the bomb. He he he... :) Then there was Valentine's Day that you can read about here.
The next Thursday we threw a Chinese New Year party. It was a ton of fun and I was amazed by how many people came! In Wisconsin, we would be lucky to get 5 people to come but here we had about 20 people help us eat Chinese food and play games! (I guess it really does help having an overly friendly mother)
In February, we all got our dental work done. In fact, Indy went to the dentist for the very first time. He was a huge fan of the train set in the lobby but not a huge fan of waiting in the actual chair. We had to compromise a little:
My brother, Ben took the Bar Exam and there was lots of fasting and prayers for him. I also went to a wonderful Relief Society meeting where we talked all about angels. It was fantastic. You could practically feel the angels in the room. The quote I remember most was, "When something catastrophic happens in your life and you're looking at the broken pieces of your life, like shards of broken glass on the floor, and you know there is nothing you can do to fix it, know that there are angels all around you to bear you up." I loved the imagery and comfort of that. I can just see the facets of the broken glass reflecting the light up onto the sparkling angel wings.
The month ended with the guys all taking off for a weekend snow adventure. No one got injured or stuck and Indy was very well behaved for me. So I'd say it was a great success.
Now that you've heard all about my month, let me tell you how I did on my goals.
- Write Wills! I got this one done really early and you can read about it here.
Right on Target:
- Write at least 20 blog posts (5/20)
- Host 12 game nights (2/12) Yay, Chinese New Year!
Needs Improvement:
- Hold at least 45 Family Home Evenings (6/45) We just can't seem to get more than 3 a month.
- Have at least 1 out of the house activity per month We went to the dentist as a family. As for a fun outing, I'd say that's pretty lame.
- Go to the temple 12 times (1/12) Not this month but I still have until the end of the year.
- Catch up in Indy's baby book I can not believe how much work this one is! I tried REALLY hard to get it all done and I'm still only about 1/3 of the way through. I'm pretty sure I can get it done before the new baby comes though.
March Goals:
- Finish Strasburg Final Report (I'm writing a document to help our BHAB camp director from last year)
- Make sure Indy is up to date on all his immunizations
I wish I could go to your baby shower! I need some Ann time!
I wish you could have been there too! When is your next trip up to Utah? You could see the new baby... ;)
I liked the angelic imagery too, but it makes me nervous when I think of invisible people watching me. For instance, when I throw a banana peel for the trash can but I miss and it slides across the counter and splats on the floor.... but I don't feel like picking it up. I almost have to say out loud "I'll get it! Just give me a minute!"
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