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Mad Town Mondays VI: Spring Cleaning

It's finally gotten warm out here in the Big Woods. So last Saturday, we finally put all the screens in the windows and vacuumed out all the lead paint chips. And now this week is Spring Cleaning!

I always love the feeling of sitting in a perfectly clean room, enjoying my handiwork, and feeling the relaxing calm that always comes when nothing is out of place. So this week, I embark on the odious but rewarding task of Spring Cleaning.

So far, I've killed a spider and three ants, cleaned all the baseboards and windows in my room and vacuumed the floors. I even moved all the furniture and washed the walls. Of course, as soon as I was one window pane away from a perfectly clean room, Indy got spit up all over himself, the carpet, and my dust ruffle. Oh, the life of a mom...

But the good news is that I still got everything done ahead of schedule, plus got our health care organized, gave a friend a ride home from the airport, and got the blog up before nightfall! I'm feeling pretty accomplished today. If tomorrow and the rest of the week goes this well, I'll have this place sparkling by the time my brother's family comes this weekend. (I'm so excited for our first visitors!)

Notice: Next week I won't have a Mad Town Monday due to it being Memorial Day and having family in town. But I will be posting about our adventures later on in the week.

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Mad Town Monday V: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

For Mother's Day, I decided to get the "mom haircut". I hate having short hair but I at least now my monkey boy doesn't use my hair as climbing vines. Any one have any cute styling tips for short and extremely thick hair?

(On a side note, this post took freaking forever to make! Why does graphic design on the computer have to be so frustrating?!!)

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Mad Town Mondays IV: Spring has Sprung!

Spring is finally here! The past week the world has bloomed...

Now is the time of long fragrant walks, picnics, hikes and YARD SALES!!!!

This Saturday we went to Sun Prairie's (a suburb of Madison) Annual City-Wide Garage Sales. We went to about two dozen yard sales. There were so many we just parked in one spot and walked around. I love garage sales. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of going yard saling with my mom. This Saturday we had a good haul.

Our total was $19.60 with 12 free items! My favorite find was the umbrella stroller for $0.50!

Another thing I love about spring is outings in the great outdoors. Yesterday, a big group of us went to Devil's Lake. We had a great time hiking, blowing bubbles, playing games, and barbequing.

We took my son on his first hike, up past Balanced Rock and around past Devil's gate. We saw some great views and Indy (my son) loved it!

"This is my hiking face!" - Indy

I love these flowers. They remind me of bleeding hearts (one of my all time favorites) but they look like a bunny ears version of them. So... bleeding bunny ears?

Stopping to smell the flowers?

This is the Balancing Rock. It was so small I missed it on the way up.

The hawks were amazing. Soaring and diving!

After the hike, we came to the beach for barbequing and bubbles!


All in all, we had a lovely day out... I'm so glad it's spring!

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