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Mad Town Mondays I: The Onion

I'm new to Madison, WI and I've found it to be a place like no other. It's full of bike trails, intellectuals, and surprises. So each Monday, I'd like to explore a different facet of this town that for now I call home.

Mad Town Mondays I: The Onion

I've been a long time fan of The Onion. I enjoy the sarcasm and ridiculousness of their articles. But I have never seen it in print. I thought they were just a bunch of crazies posting crap online. (seem familiar?) But all over Madison there are news stands full of printed copies. They come out every week and they are free! How cool is that?!

In the printed edition they also have a serious(er) section of movie and music reviews as well as events going on in Madison for the week. It made my heart glad to know that Madison, WI is the type of town that supports such satirical nonsense.  When I mentioned to a local how excited I was to see The Onion in print they were surprised I had even heard of it. It turns out that The Onion is a Mad Town creation!

I hope this is a sign of many more fun oddities for me to discover in this Mad place. 

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